Today I was talking on the phone to a friend about health care reform. I was getting bent out of shape because I was so mad at all the lies that have been created to prevent reform. Whatever your thoughts are about reform, whether you are for or against it for whatever reason, I feel you must base your decisions on the truth. Why on earth we allow these liars to speak on every program on television they can get on is news to me. My friend rightly suggested that I stop worrying about the world and focus on getting well from my health condition. I am now living the post op challenges one has after breast cancer surgery. I am tired, worried, in a bit of pain and have slowed down quite a bit. I will undergo radiation in a few weeks and I hope and I am working towards having no pain while I go through that. I am working with my pain specialist on that so I can do whatever it takes. I am also going to acupuncture and will probably start physical therapy next week. I have already been doing some on my own with a friend who is a physical therapy genius. I am no longer worried about cancer. It has been removed, all we do from now on is prevention. I plan to change my life in many ways and I will share how on my next blog based on the book the Anti Cancer Life. I feel this cancer diagnosis led to a very important question for me. Do I want to live or do I want to die and if I choose life, how do I want to live from now on. I AM SO LUCKY AND SO THANKFUL to all those women before me WHO FOUGHT for research, better treatment and diagnosis. Do you think I would be here writing this blog 30 years ago with this diagnosis and know that I may or may not die from it? They also saved my life and I plan to work as hard as I can to save other women's lives. I have always tried to do that but sure I have to focus on this more so. I am being selfish that way. It touched me just as heart disease did so I will try to inform women to get their mammograms, keep their weight down, excercise, eat healthy and please get help if they need it. We don't need to suffer or die from this. That is why really would love it if you would join me on my walk (I don't know if I will finish it but I will be there), and if you can’t donate what you can to the Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer. Here is the link to join the team or donate
I will be producing a Latina Voices show on Breast Cancer in October. I will be talking to I think the best breast cancer surgeon, oncologist, pain management specialist and nutritionist. You can catch past shows on our new facebook page. Just type Latina Voices: Smart Talk once you get into facebook. It is timely so I suggest you watch the show we did a while back on health care reform. Both guests Dr. Malinow and Dr. Zerwas had very different points of view they defended intelligently. Watch us at 2:30pm every 4th Sunday on Ch. 8 and also on the HTV channel 16 on Wednesday mornings 8 am and 8pm.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DONT' FORGET TO SHARE YOUR VIEWS ON HEALTH CARE HERE. I want to hear from you! I will take all the comments into consideration when we do the show on October 20th at 7pm.
Living Smart is inviting guests from all over the country for season 6. We will be covering very exciting topics. You will meet at woman, Principal Dr. Yvonne Butler Phd. who took on the world to make sure the kids in her school became healthy and thus teachable. John Bradshaw will discuss virtues. Robyn OBrien, author of the Unhealthy Truth will show us how our food is making us sick and what we can do about it and many more. I will keep you posted
Living Smart will not be airing the next few weeks on Ch. 8 because of membership drive. I will be asking you for donations on Sept 11th for the Brain in Love show. I can't wait!!!!
Past Living Smart shows are now airing on Sundays 5:30 am and 5:30pm on the HTV Houston channel 16 if you have comcast cable.
Okay I am going to go rest now!