
Lesson of the week, Christmas and Climate Change and Alberto Gonzalez

The Lesson I learned this week. No matter how much you may love someone, they may or may not love you back, but when you die, what will matter is just how much you loved, not how much you were loved, so practice loving others. By the way, love is an action verb! Just do it.

Christmas and the holidays. For many Christmas is a time of joy, for others it is a time of sadness, loneliness, and dread. I am grateful this year in particular. I am still alive and ready to take on the next projects. However, as years go by, I realize not everyone enjoys the holidays. Many have lost a loved one, a job, a relationship. They are grieving and the holidays has a way of making emotions more raw. It can make us more vulnerable, so when you are around people who are grieving, instead of a present you might want to give them a hug and a smile. Pray for them for life goes on and maybe next year will be better.

The Coppenhagen Climate Change Conference did not reach the goals many of the key players may have wanted. We, as humans of this planet have not reacted in time to transform a coal and fossil fuel driven economy into a cleaner one and frankly, we all know this will be difficult and it will take time. Whether you still think Climate Change is a hoax and are still wondering why scientists may have changed the wording to fit their agenda in some e mails or whether people are actually causing global warming or not, the challenge is real. The climate is warming and there is no doubt this will create serious problems, so serious some island nations may dissappear. My only hope is that we the people can become more involved in policy change and "smart" change. We can not destroy industries which have created millions of jobs overnight, but we can not stand idle with a crisis of this magnitude either. This is a time for new technologies, for thinking out of the box and for people to begin demanding change that works. We should all do our bit to change our lifestyles but if big industries do not, nothing will change.

In Latina Voices, we recently interviewed former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez. Check our website for the upcoming show.
Mr. Gonzalez says he is still proud of his service, no matter what his detractors say. He has gone from the halls of power in the White House to the Texas Tech campus. This transition was probably not an easy one. He is not one to apoligize for the past, but he did admit he would have done one thing differently. You'll have to watch to find out what that is.

Happy Marriages, Lesson of the week, Living Smart tips, and

The lesson I learned this week. For me, making lists is essential every week and if I can, I do it every day. When I write what I have to do, I tend to do it. If I don't, I most likely will forget.

Gratitude: I saw the move Blind Side last night. I am grateful to have parents who loved me when they decided to "procreate" ME.

Living Smart tips: I suggest you check for interesting discounts in different areas of life. This is a new movement to offer amazing discounts.

As I prepare for Living Smart tapings of season 6, I was reading John Bradshaw's book on Reclaiming Virtue. My best reading happens at 4 in the morning and I am really enjoying the book, but I have never seen a simpler explanation on how to keep a happy long term marriage.

He quoted John Gottman, a psychologist at the University of Washington, who researches long term love. He was interviewed by Milton Erickson Foundation Newsletter and this is what he said.

The answer is not complicated...what I cal the "masters of marriage" are individuals who are being kind to one another. They may raise difficult issues, but they also soften them in a very considerate way. They frequently express appreciation./ They comunicate respect and love every day in numerous small ways..they communicate greater interest. .and scan the environment looking for opportunities to say "thank you."



In Gratitude, What I learned and Next Year

This week I am grateful for having enough layers of warm clothing for the winter and the fact that I got to see snow in Houston!

What I learned this week is that no matter how much I may want to understand something like the war in Afghanistan, the coverage of the Tiger Woods scandal, health reform etc, I will never know enough to know the truth but I must always ask why and how things happen and be very humble in my search for the truth.

Next Year we will be producing more programs and taking on more projects
Living Smart will enter season 6 with in depth interviews about what it means to be alive, how to overcome the challenge of change and how to make better decisions with regards to college, taking care of our bodies and our soul. We have also added green tips segments. They are short how to segments to improve how to care for the environment.

Latina Voices will continue to cover universal and current topics of the day and interview newsmakers and outstanding Latinos. Next year expect and interview with the former attorney general Alberto Gonzalez, the new star soprano Barbara Padilla and many new up and coming Latinos making news.

Houston Have Your Say will continue its series of programs with our partners the Center for Houston's Future and Sterling Bank, The Examiner Papers and KUHF radio. Our first topic will be Education Reform in Texas and how it will change the future of our children.

We'll be working on a five part special on Children at Risk and how we can improve their lot.


My old bands will get together with me to peform one musical concert in honor of Mercedes Sosa, one of the greatest Latin American folk and pop singers of all times who died this year. Date to be Announced.

We have a lot on our plate but what is life without a great succulent meal?


Grateful for, what I learned and Europe

What I am most grateful for this week is that I have eyes to see so much beauty in the world. This became much more evident after I found out my aunt lost her site at age 74 to macular degeneration. What I learned this week is cultivating friendships is a state of mind.

My trip to Spain was was one of the most personally rewarding. I saw friends and family and was able to visit with them one on one. For the next few weeks, I will need their positive energy and love to continue the necessary research for our next Living Smart season!