
The olympics and political conventions

For two weeks, I was tired all the time. Why? I was glued to the TV set watching the olympics. I was so enamored with all the athletes and their skills and abilities. I felt a sense of comraderie and compassion for all of them, even the ones who won medals. I know the hours of work and the sweat, the tears, the injuries, not because I have ever been close to being an athlete of that caliber, but because I have interviewed many of them and understand the commitment and focus it takes to be a champion. I feel all the athletes that even make it to the olympics are champions.

I love it that the USA once again got the most medals in the olympics. I also know from talking to athletes around the world, wealthy countries who spend more money per capita on their athletes of course do better, so frankly I am also glad when I see the small countries get a medal.

I heard the American athletes were very upset the sprinters from Jamaica had won so many medals in an area where our runners excelled for a long time and I couldn't help but think this is probably the first olympic games were serious anti doping measures took place. This allows all athletes from all over the world, rich or not, to compete on a level playing field. I like that. For many years many East Europeans and even some Americans cheated by taking performance enhancing substances. It just robs the real meaning of being a true champion does it not?

As we wait to find out if the Chinese female gymnists were really too young to compete and thus medal, I can't help but think once again, it is not always the winners that are the heroes, but those who practiced, committed themselves to greatness, did everything in their power and used their god given talent to excell. The real winners have not always been the ones getting medals. Let's remember that.

As for the olympic inaguration in China. By far it was the best I have ever seen, and since 1972, I have seen all of them. Yes, I agree the chinese record on human rights leaves a lot to be desired but if I look at the ceremony itself, Hats off to all who participated. My mom who is 79 said we are watching history in the making! Who could top that ceremony? I feel sorry for London. The expectations will be very high.

Now on to the political conventions. I have always disliked the show anyone puts on and it gets worse every year. Did you see those politicians trying to read the teleprompter? the sign waving, the awful cheers and repetitive shots of people listening. I wish both parties would just be more authentic about their platforms and ideas. Those who spoke best were the ones who spoke from the heart. I wish all of them would learn to do so. All this after the real, authentic, exciting olympics. We still have next week. At least the Republicans tend to dress better!!

On a more serious note. I feel our nation is at a crossroads politically, economically and socially. This year we must vote. I pray we don't become apathetic one way or the other. I love my country and I want to see it thrive and prosper. Please do a favor to yourself and your children, vote this year. I am not telling you who to vote for, but I feel we must all wake up and get out and have our voice heard one way or the other. My grandfather used to say, a nation gets the government its people deserve. We can't complain or impact our future if we don't vote.

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