
Health Care Reform and the Mortgage Crisis

Lately we are being bombarded with news on health care reform and the mortgage crisis. HoustonPBS is now partnering with different local organizations to cover both these topics in future television shows. On August 4th at 7pm I will be hosting a show on the mortgage crisis and what you need to do if you are at risk of facing foreclosure. I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. I am also very excited about a town meeting we plan to do in a couple of months with the Center for Houston's future on health care reform.

I have lived in Europe and South America and had to use the medical system in several countries. The USA has the best medical system with a big "BUT" and that is... it is the best for those with insurance or those who can pay for it. For the rest of the 50 million people who are uninsured or those with low medical coverage insurance, health care can be a nightmare. In the US it is too expensive and with very little incentive to focus on prevention. There are also a lot of players in the game who benefit from the way the system works right now. In Houston, health care is one of the largest industries with a very important role in our local economy. Whatever reform happens at the national level will affect us tremendously, so if you have something to say about it. Please feel free to let me know on this blog.

On the show we plan to cover the different policy initiative and how they would affect us. I look forward to hearing from you.

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