What I learned this week: When people criticize me or bring me down, I have to learn from it, change if necessary but keep an eye on the prize and never give up my dreams.
What I am grateful for: My master teachers who give me a hard time.
Here’s a sneak-peek into what’s on Living Smart and Latina Voices this week on Living Smart: Moral Intelligence with John Bradshaw.
Author, counselor, theologian and lecturer John Bradshaw discusses his newest book, Reclaiming Virtue, the definition of virtue and how to live life with moral intelligence. Referencing his own experiences as a former seminarian and recovered alcoholic, Bradshaw takes these theological and philosophical concepts and applies them to our everyday lives. Bradshaw draws on decades of psychological, social, and theological expertise he has used in numerous lectures and previous books. I found John Bradshaw to be highly entertaining and a great storyteller. I really enjoyed interviewing him.
Sun, 3:00 PM, date—Repeats following Friday at 10 pm)
This Friday night at 10 pm. August 13th. Enjoy the daring, bold and visionary Yvonne Butler PhD. Her work with sugar free schools is revolutionizing the way we look at education and health.
To watch past Living Smart shows go to www.youtube.com and type Living Smart with Patricia Gras
On Latina Voices at 2:30pm on sunday, repeats Wednesdays at 11:30pm)
Trailblazers grace the set of Latina Voices, as well as a hefty debate about gun control...and of course newsmakers talk.
You'll meet the former Texas A and M President before she resigned. We will also discuss the controversy over guns.
Sun, 2:30 PM, date—repeats Wed, 11:30 PM
Our town forum on the Environment, Energy and the Economy: Making it work, We would like to hear from you about your thoughts on air quality, climate change and the future of the energy industry. If you are interested on this topic, You can also watch our show on Fuel for thougth: High Gas Prices and how they got that way. This work, introduces us to the real reasons gas prices go up and down and what this may mean for us in the future. www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcMVtICqNRA
The town forum will be live on October 26th at 7pm.
A life of Purpose by Patricia Gras
A few years ago, I interviewed a young West Point graduate and Iraq war veteran Elizabeth Vallette about microfinance on Living Smart. Click to view
This young woman had served in Iraq and travelled in many countries to find a way to combat poverty. She felt microfinance was an effective way to do so. She is now working for a Canadian non profit trying to help the ravaged nation of Afghanistan.
When I heard of the murder of 10 unarmed US medical workers, I felt sad. They were victims of a chaotic war, in a country that has for most of his history lived in conflict. The attack was described as 'the worst attack on humanitarian workers in 30 years."
People die every day in Afghanistan, many who have done nothing wrong. They are just victims of their fate. They were born there and have no where to go. These 10 aid workers on the other hand led a purpose driven life, but put themselves in harm's way by doing so. They chose to help the most needy in one of the most violent countries in this planet today. As a result, they paid the ultimate price.
All I can say to them and all the people around the world who risk their lives to make this world a better place. Your service is a legacy we can all honor. You made a very difficult choice, but if you ask Elizabeth or the many people I have met over the years who do this type of work if this will deter them, they usually say no. Their work and kindness is greater than their fear. They are Muslims, Christians, Jews, Bahai,Buddhists even Atheists. Let's not forget and honor them all and remind them their work is never in vain. I wish I had their courage.
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