
Renewable Energy in Texas

So gas prices keep going up. Please don't despair. I have always believed there is blessing behind all this turmoil. I chose not to drive anywhere this weekend. It was my way of protesting what is happening. We all want to blame SOMEONE, ANYONE..CAN YOU HEAR ME? Well, I have news for you. The best way I can handle this is blaming myself. I should have known better than trust people whose only motive is to make big profits. Don't you think our leaders and businesses dependent on oil knew about this way before we did? Are they really to blame though?
Let's face it, we all like to drive the big cars. It is the American way. Well now the American way or let's say the TEXAS WAY..is to focus on RENEWABLE ENERGY. I am here to cheer you up. Pay attention to this.

Texas has more renewable energy potential than any other state!!! That's right..we are number one and for something good (Don't ask about insuring children please!) Due to our size and diverse climate, we have tremendous potential to use clean, renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and biomass. These resources are so plentiful in Texas we can meet all of our state's needs. See? Don't despair..sooner or later we will rise up to the ocasion. In the mean time, drive 55 miles an hour (not 75) buy a bike and start riding to the store near you, carpool, buy a moped and figure out how to camp in your own back yard!!! Cheer up.


Anonymous said...

Renewable energy in Houston??? Please call me when Our society wakes up to the oil reality??

Anonymous said...

President Bush has been calling for Congress to pass a Bill to allow drilling for oil & gas plus expand the alternative energy policy that he started.

There is a petition to drill for oil (Republican backed) campaign going on in the USA right now. The Democrats are trying to block it. With any luck it will be passed.

Anonymous said...

It is not the capitalist pigs who are speculating the price up which is the problem. It is the global addicition to oil which is.

Peak Global oil production occured in 2005. There have been no major finds since then. All the exporting countries heavily subsidise the price of their petrol which has caused demand to rocket.

You want to see prices fall - get on a bike (where possible) and do away with subsidies (tough as it may be) which horribly distort and increase oil usage.