
The Master of Love and Cyberbullying

What I learned this week:

When I am tired. I have to get more sleep! Most of us don't realize the importance of sleep. It can be more important than what you eat.

What I am grateful for:

I watched many World Cup soccer games with my family and had a blast!


Here’s a sneak-peek into what’s on Living Smart and Latina Voices this week!


Latina Voices: Bullying 101


By Production Assistant: Jennie Kamin

(Sun, 2:30 PM, July 18—repeats Wed, 11:30 PM)

This week, we hear about an issue plaguing many adults: arthritis and how you can survive. We also hear from Anti Defamation League affiliate, Dena Marks on an issue pertaining to a younger generation. Today’s youth are said to possess qualities and aspirations unlike any preceding generation. Labeled “Generation Y” by AdAge Magazine, we are defined by the Internet and social media culture that expanded and grew alongside us, as it also proved what we are capable of achieving . Now deemed “Generation Z” or “The I Generation,” today’s school-kids are well versed in digital media, especially cell phones. Although these advances in technology have shaped the personality of today’s youth, they have also caused unprecedented issues for parents and teachers alike. Ask any cell-phone-using, computer-wielding kid, and they will certainly know the meaning of digital jargon such as “LOL” and “OMG.” Versed in a language of their own, the growing connectivity of youth today also poses a growing issue in schools: Cyber-bullying. What makes this form of bullying exceedingly more troublesome is it’s near impossibility to monitor . While kids are now able to communicate with greater ease and speed than ever before, they are also able to do so without their parents or teachers every hearing the content of their conversations. Despite the opportunities that technology has offered to today’s youth, it is also exacerbating one of adolescence’s toughest issues and is even linked to an alarming increase in teen suicide . Last year, a Massachusetts teenager, Phoebe Prince hanged herself after being the victim of cyber-bullying . Following the indictment of six alleged bullies, the teenage suicide led to the enactment of strict anti-bullying laws in Massachusetts . In addition to making illegal any acts of bullying, these laws also mandate teacher education on how to prevent bullying. While the threat of cyber-bullying lingers in school hallways and classrooms, it seems that the best defense is education for teachers, parents, and students.

Living Smart: Personal Transformation

By Production Assistant: Jennie Kamin

(Sun, 3:00 PM, July 18—Repeats following Friday at10 PM)

In addition to the threat of cyber-bullying, the growth of technology has also led to other lifestyle challenges. In an increasingly digitized world, it is becoming easier to lose oneself in the Internet and lose sight of spirituality. This week, on Living Smart, Don Miguel Ruiz shares his tools for people to achieve personal transformation and the Mastery of Love. Raised in rural Mexico, Ruiz comes from a long familial line of healers based in the Toltec tradition. In spite of his roots, Ruiz sought a more Western path and practiced as a surgeon after attending medical school. He later reached out to his ancestral calling and decided to focus on spiritual healing. Along the way, Ruiz became a speaker, teacher and author after he created his practical-tool box for transformation, which he calls The Four Agreements and tips on finding true love.

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