
Komen Run for Breast Cancer

Tomorrow I will walk with a thousand women, men and their families with a very important purpose to raise more money for research that could save the lives of women afflicted with this disease. My book club was kind enough to organize a team for me and another member who had lost her mom to breast cancer. As a survivor (now undergoing radiation) I can not wait to join thousands of other who are going or have gone through the same journey. I recognize it is women and men who walked for the cause in the past 20 years that may have saved my life. I caught my cancer early. I will survive thanks to them. I now have a responsibility to them and to all those who have died of the disease. I will always that I can walk for them. There is still time to sign up. You can show up there tomorrow or you can still donate. Unfortunately this disease is way too common. Too many women are getting it and I plan to share what I will be doing to stay alive and cancer free. I know there is a lot we still don't know. If you would like to walk or donate. Go to this link.

On October 20th at 7pm we are doing a live town forum on health care. I just want to say this. I plan to cover the issues as best as we can with more facts and less politics. I can assure you as someone who has insurance, I am glad there will be reform. I would hate to lose my insurance tomorrow, for it would bankrupt me with a disease such as the one I have. PLEASE CALL IN AND SHARE YOUR VIEWS NOW. I promise to do the best I can to cover what concerns you.

We are working on Season 6 of Living Smart and have wonderful local guests as well as national ones. We will talk about relationships and how to make them work, how to prepare yourself for retirement without going broke, the greatest poems of all times and what they can teach us, what is in the food supply that may be making your children sick and allergic, and many more.

In Latina Voices we will interview the Vice President of Guatemala, who happens to be a heart surgeon who usually live in Houston and a full special on breast cancer.

Due to my illness I am unable to write as often as I would like, but my next entry will cover what I learned from the Cancer Issues Conference I attended at the National Press Foundation in Washington DC.


Unknown said...


Thanks for your wonderful article about your experiences as you journey through breast cancer and treatment. We would like to take some of your ideas and listed resources and add them to our directory of community information. Adele Gorody

Winston said...

This is an amazing accomplishment because from the perspective of your viewing audience, we don't have a clue that you are ill.