
News bad for your health!

I don't know about you but lately, watching the news is really depressing me. I like to read news, not watch them. I read Newsweek, the Economist, blogs from the left and right, foreign policy news, CNN but I hardly watch news because I get all bent out of shape. Right now all I hear is how bad the economy is, rising gas prices, mortgage crisis, war, climate diasasters, starving children and serial killers. No wonder so many Americans are depressed.

I know we have to know what is going on but does it have to be negative all the time? Could they not just mix it up a bit? Today I was happy to watch the release of Ingrid Betancourt in Colombia, along with three Americans and a dozen colombian police and military personnel. I found it strange no one seemed to talk to the poor police and military guys. They had families who suffered too. I guess they weren't "considered" news. Anyways, I am afraid a lot of Americans are becoming addicted to bad news and it is affecting them. I know it affects me and that is why I limit how much I watch on TV.

My feeling is that we can create our own reality. I can convince myself that life is so awful, (based on the news) and that there is no hope or I can stay positive and believe things can get better and that I can have a postive impact on my life and the life of others.

Life is about balance, my need to know what is going on has to be balanced with how I interpret what is going on.

This Sunday the President and Chancellor of the University of Houston talks to me about her hopes and aspirations for the University. I really enjoyed talking to her. (Airdates are July 6th 5pm, July 11th at 8pm, July 31st 9:30pm.)
At 3pm this Sunday, Manisha Thakor gives very smart tips on how to manage your money during hard times. Learning from her will pay off in the long run!


Anonymous said...

thats is the reson why the media gives us the sad stories, because it gives us an accurate picture of how messed up the world is becoming

Anonymous said...

I dont know the Thakor lady you refer to but please dont mistaken Newsweek and Economist liberal agendas for the antidote to a failing economy. Try watching MTV sometimes, the world is not all doom and gloom