
Oprah Winfrey's ten commandments for success

I don't watch Oprah cause I don't have time, but I loved these commandments so I will share them with you.

1. Don't live your life to please others
(I admit I do this sometimes and catch myself)

2. Don't depend on forces outside yourself to get ahead.
(this is when I have to stop playing the "blame game")

3. Seek harmony and compassion in your business and personal life.
(I try but a couple of million in the bank would not hurt!)

4. Get rid of backstabbers-surround yourself only with people who will lift you higher.
(This is tough for me cause I get into negative talk and don't realize I am doing it!)

5. Be nice
(I try but sometimes I want to smack someone!)

6. Rid yourself of yoru addictions-whether they are food, alcohol, drugs or behavior habits.
(Tell me about it, I have to stop eating ice cream in the closet)

7. Surround yourself with people who are as smart or smarter than you.
(Not hard at all)

8. If money is your motivation, forget it.
(Sure easy for you to are a billionare!)

9. Never hand over your power to someone else.
(Too late I gave it over to God and the IRS)

10. Be persistent in pursuing your dreams.
(I am still here aren't I?)

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